Heaney's Sonnets: Wordsworth and Yeats in Glanmore


  • Stephen Grace University of York


Seamus Heaney, William Wordsworth, Sonnet, Memory, History


This essay considers the significance of the sonnet to Seamus Heaney's early career development. Setting the formal strategies of the 'Glanmore Sonnets' alongside the ideas articulated in Heaney's early-seventies essays such as 'Feeling into Words' (1974), 'The Makings of a Music' (1978) and 'Yeats as an Example?' (1978), I argue that the sonnet emerges out of, but transforms, Heaney's understanding of history and memory, and trace the particular significance of William Wordsworth and W.B.Yeats to these transformations.


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Works Cited

Primary Works

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How to Cite

Heaney’s Sonnets: Wordsworth and Yeats in Glanmore. (2013). Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English, 27. https://postgradenglishjournal.awh.durham.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/pgenglish/article/view/113