Christ's Presence through anamnesis in Seventeenth-Century Nonconformist Writing


  • Linda Bates University of Cambridge


Saint Augustine, Memory, Religious Studies, Autobiography


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Bibliography: Primary Texts

Allen, Hannah, from Satan his Methods and Malice Baffled (1683). HOL. 197-201.

The Narrative of the Persecution of Agnes Beaumont, GA. 191-224.

The Select Works of John Bunyan. With introductory Lectures on the 'Pilgrim's Progress', by Rev. Robert Maguire. 2 vols. in 1. London, Nineteenth-century.

Bunyan, John, Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ. MW VIII. Ed. Richard L. Greaves. Oxford: Clarendon, 1979. 239-392.

---. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. 1666. GA. 1-94.

---. Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. 1666. Ed. Roger Sharrock. London: Oxford UP, 1962.

---. The Holy War. Ed. Roger Sharrock and James F. Forrest. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980.

---. The Life and Death of Mr Badman. Ed. James F. Forrest and Roger Sharrock. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988.

---. ¬The Pilgrim’s Progress from This World to That Which is to Come. 1678. Ed. J.B. Wharey, rev. Roger Sharrock. London: Oxford UP, 1960.

---. ¬The Pilgrim’s Progress. 1678. Ed. N.H. Keeble. Oxford: Worlds Classics, 1984.

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---. A Vindication of Some Gospel-Truths Opened. MW I. Ed. T.L. Underwood. Oxford: Clarendon, 1980. 122-217.

Clarkson, Lawrence. The Lost Sheep Found. GA. 171-90.

Collins, An. Divine Songs and Meditations. 1653. HOL. 54-70.

Davy, Sarah. Heaven Realized. 1670. HOL. 165-79.

Evans, Katherine and Sarah Cheevers, from A Short Relation of Cruel Sufferings. 1662. HOL. 116-30.

Graham, Elspeth, Hilary Hinds, Elaine Hobby and Helen Wilcox, eds. Her Own Life: Autobiographical Writings by Seventeenth-century Englishwomen. London; New York: Routledge, 1989.

Narrative of the Captivity and Restoration of Mrs. Mary Rowlandson. The Norton

Anthology of American Literature: Vol. 1. Ed. Francis Murphy. 2nd ed. New York; London: Norton, 1985. 138-76.

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Novum Testamentum Graece. Stuttgart: Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft. 1898. Rev. 1993.

Parr, Susanna. Susanna’s Apology Against the Elders (1659). HOL. 101-15.

Revelation of the Fearful Estate of Francis Spira in the year 1548. Comp. Nath Bacon. London, 1649.

Stachniewski, John, with Anita Pacheco, eds. Grace Abounding with Other Spiritual Autobiographies. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1998.

Saint Augustine’s Confessions II, trans. William Watts (1631). London: Loeb, 1961.

Thornton, Alice. A Book of Remembrances (c.1688). HOL. 147-64.

Trapnel, Anna, from Anna Trapnel’s Report and Plea. 1654. HOL. 71-86.

Vokins, Joan, from God’s Mighty Power Magnified .1691. HOL. 211-24.

Wentworth, Anne, A Vindication of Anne Wentworth. 1677. HOL. 180-96.

Bibliography: Reference Works

Pocket Oxford Classical Greek Dictionary. Ed. James Morwood and John Taylor. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Miller, Madeleine S. and J. Lane Miller, eds. Black’s Bible Dictionary. London: Black, 1965.

Bibliography: Secondary Works

Davies, Michael. Graceful Reading: Theology and Narrative in the Works of John Bunyan. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002.

Ebner, Dean. Autobiography in Seventeenth-century England: Theology and the Self. Hague: Mouton, 1971.

Ellis, E. Earle. The New Century Bible Commentary: The Gospel of Luke. Paperback Edn. London: Marshall, Morgan & Scott, 1966, revised 1974, 1981.

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Keeble, N.H. The Literary Culture of Nonconformity in Later Seventeenth-Century England. Leicester: Leicester UP, 1987.

Knott, John R. Jr. The Sword of the Spirit: Puritan Responses to the Bible. Chicago; London: Chicago UP, 1980.

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Lynch, Beth. John Bunyan and the Language of Conviction. Woodbridge: Brewer, 2004.

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Nuttall, Geoffrey F. The Holy Spirit in Puritan Faith and Experience. Oxford: Blackwell, 1946.

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Starr, G.A. Defoe and Spiritual Autobiography. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1965.

Strohm, Paul. Theory and the Premodern Text. Minneapolis: U of Minneapolis P, 2000.







How to Cite

Christ’s Presence through anamnesis in Seventeenth-Century Nonconformist Writing. (2006). Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English, 13.