‘You have made this yours absolutely’: the shared concerns of János Pilinszky and Ted Hughes


  • John Clegg Durham University


János Pilinszky, Ted Hughes, Poetry, Translation


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Bentley, Paul. The Poetry of Ted Hughes: Language, Illusion and Beyond. London: Longman, 1998.

Gifford, Terry and Michael Roberts. Ted Hughes: A Critical Study. London: Faber and Faber, 1981.

Feinstein, Elaine ed. After Pushkin: A Bicentenary Celebration. Manchester: Carcanet, 1999.

Hughes, Ted and Seamus Heaney eds. The Rattle Bag. London: Faber and Faber, 1982

Hughes, Ted. Collected Poems. London: Faber and Faber, 2003.

---. Selected Translations. Edited and introduction by Daniel Weissbort. New York: Farrar, Strauss and Giroux, 2006.

---. Selected Letters. Edited and introduction by Christopher Reid. London: Faber and Faber, 2007.

Lang, Becky. Muldoon mulls over nature, candy bars: an interview with Paul Muldoon. Minnesota Daily, 29/11/2007. http://www.mndaily.com/2007/11/29/muldoon-mulls-over-nature-candy-bars. Accessed on 05/03/2010.

Paterson, Don. The Blind Eye. London: Faber and Faber, 2007

Pilinszky, János. Selected Poems. Translated by Ted Hughes and János Csokits. Introduction by Ted Hughes. Manchester:Carcanet New Press, 1976.

---. “On The Wall of a KZ-Lager”. Translated by Clive Wilmer and George Gömöri. Poetry (Chicago). March, 2008.

Sagar, Keith. The Art of Ted Hughes. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1978.

---. The Laughter of Foxes: A Study of Ted Hughes. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 2000.

Schmidt, Michael. Letter of June 22 1973 to Ted Hughes. Carcanet Archives: CPA/2/1/39.

Weissbort, Daniel ed. Translating Poetry: The Double Labyrinth. Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 1989.

Weissbort, Daniel and Astradur Eysteinsson eds. Translation – Theory and Practice. A Historical Reader. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006.





How to Cite

‘You have made this yours absolutely’: the shared concerns of János Pilinszky and Ted Hughes. (2010). Postgraduate English: A Journal and Forum for Postgraduates in English, 21. https://postgradenglishjournal.awh.durham.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/pgenglish/article/view/82